lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017


The times have changed and with them our students, that's why their way of learning should be focused on their necessities. It is because of this fact that the cooperative game box was created for the English classes of 1st Year Primary.
This box contains all the main objectives that 1st Year Primary students should learn during the year, specifically vocabulary. What is more, inside each content game bag there are different games based on different degrees of difficulty.

The lessons with this methodology are set like this: there are five tables, each one with a specific learning objective, and each day students join a different table until they have worked on all five tables. The learning objectives for each table cover phonics, reading, numbers, vocabulary and free writing.
Once they are on the table they will work together on the same objective, so they can help each other with the support of the teacher. While they are working in teams on the different tables, the teacher goes around the class helping, correcting and supervising them. The topics will be chosen with the idea of reviewing past topics, present topics and future ones.

This method allows our students to learn according to their necessities in a fun and cooperative way, involving all the English skills.

Jesica Simó López-Maroto
English Department

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