miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017


It is always very difficult to find the words when we want to express our ideas in a different language. As non-native speakers of English we need to learn and master different tools to be able to communicate as naturally as possible.

We are working on a little project in our 4th Year Primary English class where we were able to put into practice what we have learned in class, together with the use of iPads which we absolutely love! We made groups for the project, and then we had to briefly describe each member of the group. Not only their physical appearance but their personality and likes as well. We are using the app BookCreator and it took us a long time to type our descriptions, choose and upload our pictures and decorate each page of the book. We didn’t finish yet, but as you can see in the pictures, it’s worth the effort! We hope you like them!

Ana Pons

English Department

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